Happy relationships

If things go wrong in your relationship, you probably want to tell them that it is best for you to leave a bad relationship. There\’s nothing worse than being in a dysfunctional relationship. I\’m really sorry if I had to be with someone who doesn\’t fit me at all. And I frankly, it would be really very sad and very impractical, because people live together and do not get along at all, it can also make both people feel unnecessarily stressed, nervous and uncomfortable. Everything can bother him, and he can even become aggressive. So if your relationship isn\’t 100% perfect, it probably doesn\’t make sense to keep it that way.

Pečujte o sebe i svůj vztah.

Of course, if it is, for example, a temporary quarrel or trifle, it is clear that you can easily agree. You can still give it a chance or maybe you can agree with your partner that they will visit some counseling center that will help you. But if your problem has lasted more than 1 year and you still have children and other responsibilities and worries, it is best to leave the dysfunctional relationship. I know it can be very difficult to leave, especially when you have young children.

Nejlepší je zamilovaný pár.

But this is what my brother did. He was with his partner for a long time just because he had children, but of course it did not work. Their children realized that their relationship was no longer what it was before, because they were so tired. So it\’s really best to leave a dysfunctional relationship instead of worrying about you or your family. Tell me, wouldn\’t it be nice if you were happy alone? I think it\’s better to be happy alone than to be unhappy with someone. I know many couples who have ended their relationship.