End of the double quality of food and simplification of Czech food labels!

After full approval, the enterprise faces a fine of up to fifty thousand Czech crowns for violating this law. However, traderswill pay for the dual quality of food rather than the multinational producers of said grains. This was also stated by the Minister of Agriculture in an earlier statement.
The amendments willintroduce higher finesas well asincrease the authority of the State agricultural and food Inspectionandextend the possibility of labeling food as typically in the Czech Republic.
česká vlajka
However, Petr Bendl, one of the deputies of the ODS and former Minister of Agriculture, expressed his indignation at the fact that the seller should be punished. According to him, it is not entirely clear whether the amendment will defend and punish the right subject. It is wrong for manufacturers in the EU to punish sellers who do not know what to produce and put up for sale. According to this member, the situation is so far that some food products can not be sold in our country at all and may not appear on our shelves. Meanwhile, the proposal was highly appreciated by the former Minister of Culture and members of UCCSSD.
Minister Toman assured deputies that he was ready to discuss objections to the amendment. In addition, he said that the double quality assessment of food is in no way related to domestic producers, butis largely related to global producersand therefore imports. In his remarks, he also noted that under EU rules, it is also a responsible food operator, which can be in the shops. According to our law, the person who puts food on the market is responsible and, needless to say,the producers of the given goods must also be checked!
lednice plná sýrů
The amendment alsoeases a very strict definition of so-called Czech food. Until now, this designation did not take into account the fact that it is not possible to get some ingredients on our territory for completely objective reasons. However, the production of some of such ingredients is typically a Czech affair in tradition and is widespread in general. For example,in the manufacture of chocolate, tea, chocolate or coffeeor other foods from rice extruded products.