Unprofessional Relationships

What do you think of when people say relationships? Of course, everyone, myself included, probably imagines relationships first. I also immediately imagine relationships, but not mainly because I have experienced wonderful relationships or family relationships, but mainly because I don\’t know any other relationships. Maybe you still have some work relationships. Let me tell you, if you have a really bad work relationship, it can be really, really sad. A lot of people don\’t last long in those jobs. I can honestly say that I\’ve had two such bad work relationships.

Někdy jsem ráda sama.

The company was very young, I had only joined about two years later, and there was already a group of young girls, and naturally, another interloper, another They didn\’t want to put a new girl in that job. There were eight young girls in all, most of them 30 years old. I was about 30 myself, and I really thought it was a perfect group. I wanted to have fun with them all, so I brought snacks and some non-alcoholic wine to drink after work. Of course, the girls did, but I could see them whispering about me behind my back and laughing at something. I let it go, thinking that since I was new here, the girls probably just wanted to see how I felt.

Hýčkejte si dobré vztahy.

But after six months of this, I was worried. I really worried a lot. I absolutely hated that kind of working relationship, so I told my employer that I was leaving. Of course, I didn\’t tip them off, and I didn\’t tell them the real reason. I told them I had found another job. The employer was very surprised by that, but he must have suspected something when he saw these women. I don\’t think that was the only time a new employee quit. Our employer, our supervisor, probably knew that it was quite unprofessional.

Unprofessional Relationships

What do you think of when people say relationships? Of course, everyone, myself included, probably imagines relationships first. I also immediately imagine relationships, but not mainly because I have experienced wonderful relationships or family relationships, but mainly because I don\’t know any other relationships. Maybe you still have some work relationships. Let me tell you, if you have a really bad work relationship, it can be really, really sad. A lot of people don\’t last long in those jobs. I can honestly say that I\’ve had two such bad work relationships.

Někdy jsem ráda sama.

The company was very young, I had only joined about two years later, and there was already a group of young girls, and naturally, another interloper, another They didn\’t want to put a new girl in that job. There were eight young girls in all, most of them 30 years old. I was about 30 myself, and I really thought it was a perfect group. I wanted to have fun with them all, so I brought snacks and some non-alcoholic wine to drink after work. Of course, the girls did, but I could see them whispering about me behind my back and laughing at something. I let it go, thinking that since I was new here, the girls probably just wanted to see how I felt.

Hýčkejte si dobré vztahy.

But after six months of this, I was worried. I really worried a lot. I absolutely hated that kind of working relationship, so I told my employer that I was leaving. Of course, I didn\’t tip them off, and I didn\’t tell them the real reason. I told them I had found another job. The employer was very surprised by that, but he must have suspected something when he saw these women. I don\’t think that was the only time a new employee quit. Our employer, our supervisor, probably knew that it was quite unprofessional.