Cute hippos Are Actually vicious killers

Life on the African continent is certainly not enviable. Europeans go to these places mainly in search of adventure, but surely no one claims that Africa is a paradise on Earth. The regional climate allows for the survival of a large number of animal and plant species that could not exist in the harsh conditions of temperate and Nordic climates. We see many of them in zoos and botanical gardens and see them as exotic and distant. Still, these creatures are alive, but definitely do not expect a loving and welcoming attitude from them.
africký hroch

Lions, cheetahs, leopards, crocodiles, rhinos, elephants

Crocodiles, lions, rhinos, leopards and elephants kill some people every year. They are mainly predators, and those who have an unequal duel are not very likely to succeed. Crocodiles and lions give the impression of dangerous animals at first glance, and people prefer to avoid them, but many tourists pay extra every year to underestimate the danger from a very ordinary hippopotamus. At first glance, this lazy Pakidam looks pretty funny and cute, and many of you will definitely expect a bloody attack from him.
tři hroši
Hipposare considered the most dangerous African animals. It is responsible for about 200 human casualties each year. His danger is that he attacks without warning and cunning. Even a skilled hunter can surprise untrained naive tourists who believe that they are clumsy and slow. Land hippos can run at speeds of up to 30 km/h, are very agile and get out of the water to shore in just a few seconds. They kill their victims with long fangs, but more often they grab them with a huge muzzle, drown them in the water or trample on the shore. It lasts almost 5 minutes under water for a single breath, so a person does not have the opportunity to survive at such moments.
hlava hrocha
Older men are particularly dangerous and may even attack young men or some women with young men. Hippos, unlike some animals, like elephants, attack cunning and usually “arrive” at their victims after being seriously injured.

Posted in Men